Friday 10 July 2009

RHE Presents: Conspiracy 101

In preparation for the upcoming episode 1 of Rabbit Hole Express I have had to spend more than a healthy amount of time on 'alternative news' websites, well, I say unhealthy but let me quantify that...

I read a lot of alternative news sites every day. I do not consider alternative news such as Alex Jones to be a conspiracy website, after all his sites are alternative views on reputable news.

Then there's the other side of that, I read David Icke's website, now although he does similar work to Alex Jones he takes a more spiritual interpretation on it and as its hard to claim that some ones spiritual beliefs are conspiracy I consider this site to be alternative news too.

When you look at all these websites that people consider to be crazy or conspiracy oriented you start to fall down that rabbit hole, you begin to see the logic and skill of these people who are running the sites and after taking the time to read it you don't think of it as conspiracy at all.

Now, I know a lot of people have an instinctive reaction to this sort of thing claiming its anarchistic/evil/the devil/stupid/paranoid/silly/ignorant or any other 'tag'

Because of this instant pigeon holing that goes on people tend not to read much more than the title of the posts on the page, this irritated me as its a well known concept that in order to have an opinion about something you must first understand it. So when people tell me that Swine flu is a massive pandemic and we all need Tami-flu I get angry, they think this because they where told it, and will call any opposing opinion 'crazy' without even knowing why.

People will happily take at face value anything the government says believing that they are skilled at leading and honest of purpose. When the alternative media say the governments are corrupt and evil, people shout and scream about dangerous beliefs, but how many have read the articles? How many have checked the official story?

I know people who have not missed an episode of East Enders and Coronation street for years but cant tell me who Ghandi was.

I know people who join the army, kill for the government but think that Franz Ferdinand is a band

I know people who think that swine slue will kill them think that H1H1 as TXT talk for 'ass'

So when I say I have spent an unhealthy amount of time on these sites, I only mean that my genuine concern for the state of civilization reaches points where I have problems sleeping at night.

Anyway, that ramble was brought to you while researching for Rabbit hole Express, so if you are interested in a single thing I said, you may like the show later this month.

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