Saturday 12 September 2009

Derren Brown, its not magic you know

Derren Brown predicted the Lottery numbers, then a few days later he claimed in a show on channel 4 that he accomplished it using the 'wisdom of the crowd' technique.

he claimed that he used 24 volunteers to guess numbers then used the average guess of each person to work out the lottery numbers. i have ready a few books on the power of the crowds influence is marginal at best and even then has a greater chance of working if the party's involved are open minded spiritual people. for a guess like this or for the guess to influence the result you would need far more than 24 people, you would also have to do allot of work to change their thought models.

then, at the end of the show he opens up the idea that he used a rigged set of lottery balls and a 'plant' in lottery HQ. again this IS silly, even more daft in fact because this would be a crime and he would not have been allowed by the BBC to do this on any level (after all they are in the trick to make sure that no rigging was going on)

Here is how I think it was done

He used a split-screen between a pre-recorded empty studio, shot on a motion control camera that was set to simulate camera shake and a live shot of himself in the studio with the exact same reproduced camera shake.

half the screen (left) was an overlay, as the numbers where read out some one put them on the balls, then as Derren approached the balls, he overlay was removed.

as much as i would love his 24 people guessed it with psychic powers of the crowd idea, i just think camera work was easier and made a safer bet for a TV show.

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