Sunday 10 January 2010

Best Fit Theology.

Best Fit Theology is the name i have given to a phenomenon i have began to notice in society.


I think its been around for a while now, but to be honest i am not sure, it would seem that rather than sitting down and having a good old think about the universe people would rather pick the religious system that best fits their life.

As you may have noticed i am breaking up the seriousness of this topic with random and amusing theological motivational posters. i think if anything this adds to the stoic nature of the message i am going to try and convey.


If you live in mainland England and come from one of those passively religious families you may consider yourself a member of the church of England or as is better known, a protestant.

if you come from a catholic family you will probably be less passive in your beliefs but still quite sure your soul is safe.

There maybe many Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists reading this but i have little experience in those faiths so i don't know for sure that you are all passively faithful and unquestioning. for the sake of argument I am going to assume if your honest that's probably how you are.

My quest here is to try and wake you up to something. and please excuse me here, as I am not a member of any religion (this will become clear later) and i think all of them are probably right. I think that belief in its most basic form is a wonderful thing. however i would like to ask a question.


Why do you think you are correct?

I know, its a bold question and whatever religion you are has thousands of years of history (maybe more, maybe less) and smarter people than I have been part of all of them.

I am not arguing that your system of faith is incorrect, or correct. i am simply asking you to have a go at seeing the other side.

if your a Christian (any one of the 30+ denominations that i am aware of) have you read the bible? have you read the work of the religious competition?

i think we owe it to our immortal soul to make sure its in safe hands. just because your family are sure that Jesus died for our sins why are you?

shouldn't you check, just make sure that your religion echoes love and salvation to YOUR soul?


I think that people, ALL people should read and learn and understand and question and never become blinkered by faith. its important in all religions to ‘love’ and what’s more loving than trying to understand, do you think any creator you may have will disapprove of a philosophical yearning that HE/SHE/IT put into you in the first place?

The native people of Australia talk of dreamtime, a concept that i am only familiar with in passing (at the moment, i will read more as soon as i have time) the basic idea as far as i understand is that the creator sends a part of himself to the earth to become a person and experience an epic story. then upon death that part of himself tells that story, then that shard may return to experience a new story or stay and be part of the creator again. its a wonderful idea, is it true? i don’t know but i would not tell some one they are wrong for believing this.


I heard a historian named John Anthony West say something the other day on a radio show i listen to that made me think. i can not remember the exact wording but he said this

If a life that lasts one minuet is born at night in a storm it will never know there is anything else, when he his told of a summers day he will this it is nothing but a legend.

yep, i think i nailed the basic point he was trying to make (my memory is rubbish when it comes to wordings, i remember the concept but not the wording)

The point he was trying to make was that even though you think you know everything about your reality its based on such as small moment in cosmic history that it may as well be that moment in a dark rainstorm.


There are many other more hip religions you should look into as well, granted some of them are bonkers. That faith of the Ceiling cat who is locked in an eternal battle with basement cat

Don't forget the secret cult of the Flying Spaghetti monster, and the crazy ‘Last Tuesdayism’


yes, there are many choices but why stop at one. but what ever your do, please have a think about it, and never tell anyone they are wrong, that's just rude.

So, I have prattled on for quite a few badly assembled paragraphs now, and bashed theological complacency for long enough.

you’re probably wondering what i believe by now. a while back (years in fact) i was thought i was a child of the pagan mysteries, then i thought that Buddha was a safe bet. Time passed and i followed the breadcrumbs of my ideas, threw some out, got some new ones and at this moment i think that the universe its self it a/the (G)god (not sure on capitalisation in my soul or in that sentence) i think that time is probably a lie and we are all part of it.


I also think that Bill Hicks had it pretty close when he said this back in 1989

“we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves”

I follow no religion so i have no bias. That being said i may have one one day, that's cool, after all in the end no matter what you think of your creator he still thinks your pretty cool, unless there isn't one, or he is you…. but you get my point.


Ill leave you with this random song lyric….

Did music save your immortal soul, my my, miss american pie… [some other lyrics i cant remember] and i knew i was out of luck the day the music died.

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