Monday 11 January 2010

Book Report: Valis, Philip K Dick.


Valis By Philip K Dick

I have literally JUST finished reading ‘Valis’. I have consumed it in just a few days. I do not read allot of fiction and would usually not write a ‘Book report’ about it but this is a little different, was first pointed in the direction of the book when listening to an interview with Neil Kramer on Red Ice Creations Radio.

The Book is something of an anomaly, I honestly could not go into any depth on it even if i tried but i would say that ‘Valis’ is not a science fiction book but instead it is a semi-fictional theological work where a character searches for an entity that may or may not be god.

the story moves through themes involving the duality of time, popular culture and mortality.

It is a heavy read and in places appears to make no sense, the sense however is occluded by the drip fed nature of the story. If your interest is in the nature of reality or searching for higher meaning then its an amazing read.

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