Sunday 16 May 2010

David Icke: Human Race Get off your knees.

It was 6AM when my alarm began to make a noise at me, I was already awake and well on my way to the coffee pot.


I was making the pilgrimage to London to see the first talk of David Ickes new tour. i was accompanied on this trip by the only other person i know who would be interested, my mother.

We drove the 120 miles to London with ease but then when reaching the venue (Brixton Academy) realised that the closest car park was a £15 taxi ride away (as the local one was closed for maintenance) this is did not dent our resolve. soon enough (12PM) we arrived in the queue.


The atmosphere in line was fantastic there where all sorts of conversations taking place and a man playing guitar for charity, there where some people giving away copies of the UK-Column news paper (a great ready by the way, and only £5 a year subscription)

There was also a lady giving out flyers marked ‘Justice for Hollie Greig (www.holliedemandsjustice.orfg) – an important issue that has been ignored by too much by the mainstream news parasites.

There was also a well dressed man in a suit handing out leaflets about Christianity and how Mr Icke is ‘a’ or ‘the’ Antichrist (it wasn’t clear) the little article then went on to tell us that only by fearing and worshipping god can we be safe from evil. it gave us all something to read and kill the time with, it was really nice of the man and make a few of us chuckle (but the arrogance of religious converts is a topic for a whole other post) at the very least it was well written.

Soon enough we sitting down in the venue. the mumblings of the audience was a fantastic backdrop for the anticipation. Then, without warning our speaker emerged, within moments he was in full swing.

As the talk went on it picked up pace and there where many moments where he had to stop talking just to wait for the ripple of applause to stop. his message hit home for everyone!

i found it interesting that towards the end he outlined what he refers to as the wakening and made clear that there is no need for violence EVER and made sure to hammer home that racism or discrimination of any kind is wrong, for so many reasons.

As much as i would love to go into depth about the talk the content of the talk won’t. i don’t think I could do it justice but i will say that i have seen every one of David Ickes DVD’s and read 5 of his books and this talk was powerful in the extreme. Armed with the new information i left the venue feeling charged and positive but most of all i think everyone there felt empowered.

I got myself a copy of his new book before leaving and will start it on my next day off from work. this was a great day and its fair to say that David Icke is still the master of his domain and pushes the envelope with this thoughts. i wonder how long before he is proven right to the mainstream…

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